Thursday, July 2, 2020

Window Work: Covid Lockdown - June 2020


Window Work again, in unusual circumstances though. During the early part of lockdown there wasn't much activity going on outside in the street at all, just a few intrepid souls walking nervously down the street, widely avoiding other nervous walkers - but there really were a lot of seagulls.

As usual, these little sketches are in Payne's Grey watercolour, all done with a smallish Oriental brush, and I've had some fun arranging them for the final image. 

There's been some disruption to the easel work this month (nothing to do with covid). My regular work pattern was interrupted by preparing and priming some more panels, knackering my back (once) and a knee (twice), and by having to buy a new camera. The previous 'good' camera ceased functioning not long after posting last month's blogpost, and familiarising myself with the new one has necessitated a certain amount of urgent research and finding out which button does what, and why. The daily routine's back to normal now, though. Or soon will be. 

There's not much more I can say about these little drawings, except that remembering what birds look like when they're flashing through the sky can be very demanding. This selection is the best of a (very) bad hit rate over the last few months, but the few passers-by and the mask - in contrast to the raucous vigour of the local wildlife - sort of reflect how this spring has been.

Mind you, reticence has never really been a problem for the Common Gull...

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